EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques
(often referred to as tapping) can be a great aid in getting to the feeling you
want so that the Law of Attraction can work for you. Tapping was developed by Gary Craig and is
based upon ancient Eastern healing traditions.
We will not cover the entire history
of or rationale for EFT here. Suffice it
to say that the body consists of energy fields and in a well functioning
(spiritually, emotionally and physically) body there is a natural and
unrestricted flow of energy in, around and through the body. The energy flows along paths called
meridians. When the energy flow is
obstructed for any reason, any number or combination of maladies may
occur. Acupuncture used needles inserted
at key points along the meridians to help release energy blockages. Tapping uses the fingers of one hand tapping
gently on key meridian points while speaking focusing, framing and releasing
phrases to re-orient, release and refresh the energy flow through the body.
There are many great online sources
for detailed information about EFT and how and why it works. The success stories are too numerous to
When trying to allow a feeling of
abundance into our lives as a precursor to living an abundant life, which is
the proper sequence if we are to allow the Law of Attraction to work properly,
we often find ourselves blocked. Our
left-brain chatterbox voice continually kicks in and reminds us of what we
don’t have, how much is lacking, why abundance is bad or selfish or simply not
for us. We get stuck in a frustrating
loop of, on the one hand, desiring abundance while, on the other hand, sending
out a message of lack of abundance to the Universe. This is just old beliefs and stuck energy at
work…and is exactly what EFT is great for releasing.
What follows is a short tapping
sequence to help release the energy blocks and to allow the feeling of
abundance to flow freely. In using the
following script, and without going into the details of how to do EFT, the
tapping points are noted in parentheses.
You should tap these points while speaking the phrases shown out
loud. Speaking out loud and with emotion
do improve the effectiveness of the technique.
One other disclaimer here; I am not a
medical doctor nor a trained practitioner (there no longer exist any formal EFT
certifications); results will vary by individual (although I believe that EFT
always helps-and it cannot hurt); the specific ways in which EFT is employed
vary widely, and all have been shown to be effective. Approach this with a spirit of joy, fun,
gratitude and expectation.
The tapping points are (and it
doesn’t matter which side of the body you do these on): Side of hand – The
karate chop point; Eyebrow Point – End of the eyebrow closest to your nose;
Side of Eye – The corner of your eye, on the bone of the socket away from your
nose; Under the Eye – Directly under the eye on the bone of the orbit; Under
the Nose – Directly under the nose, above your lip roughly at the level of the
top of your teeth; Under the Mouth – The
cleft between your mouth and chin directly below your mouth; Collarbone – There
is some variance here, I prefer tapping directly below the chin on the point
where the two ends of the collarbone join; Under the Arm – Directly below the
armpit approximately four inches down; Top of the Head – Directly on the crown
of the head and tap in a small circle.
The tapping should be hard enough to feel but not so hard as to cause
With that as background, we can try a
tapping sequence to help our energy flow around the feeling of abundance.
(Side of the Hand)-Even though I
can't seem to feel abundant,
-I deeply love and respect myself.
-Even though I can't seem to feel
-I deeply love and forgive myself.
-Even though I can't seem to feel
-I just can't let go of the feeling
of lack,
-I can't stop worrying about my
-I can't stop thinking about what I
don't have,
-Every time I look at my bank balance
it gets worse,
-I worry about having enough food,
-I worry about having enough money,
-I worry about being taken advantage
-I worry about losing everything that
I have,
-And even though I want abundance,
-I want abundance in all areas,
-I am afraid that I am sabotaging my
-With all my worries,
-And so,
-Even though I can't seem to feel
-I deeply love, respect and forgive
-And anyone and anything that may be
contributing to this.
(Eyebrow Point)-I can't seem to feel
(Side of the Eye)-I can't seem to
feel abundant,
(Under the Eye)-I can't seem to feel
(Under the Nose)-It's not just that I
can't feel abundant,
(Under the Mouth)-I am not abundant,
(CollarBone Point)-And that worries
(Under the Arm)-I want to be
(Top of the Head)-But I can't feel
(Eyebrow Point)-I have to get the
feeling before I can get the thing,
(Side of the Eye)-The Law of
Attraction says that,
(Under the Eye)-So I have to feel
(Under the Nose)-And I just can't.
(Under the Mouth)-I can't feel abundance,
(CollarBone Point)-Because I can't
get past all my worries,
(Under the Arm)-And my worries are
(Top of the Head)-Just look at the
(Eyebrow Point)-But, maybe I am
overreacting, just a little,
(Side of the Eye)-I do have a lot of
(Under the Eye)-In a lot of the
world, I would be viewed as a king or queen,
(Under the Nose)-Sure times are tough
(Under the Mouth)-But they have been
tough before,
(CollarBone Point)-And I have survived,
(Under the Arm)-And even if they seem
worse this time,
(Top of the Head)-I'll probably
survive this too.
(Eyebrow Point)-Maybe I can just be
grateful for the little things,
(Side of the Eye)-And there are still
a lot of little things to be grateful for,
(Under the Eye)-Maybe I even have an
abundance of little things,
(Under the Nose)-So I can be grateful
for that abundance,
(Under the Mouth)-I can be abundant
in little things,
(CollarBone Point)-And once I am
abundant in little things,
(Under the Arm)-I'll bet I start
seeing bigger things.
(Top of the Head)-And then I can get
to the feeling of abundance.
(Eyebrow Point)-I am breathing and my
body is working, at least a little,
(Side of the Eye)-And I have a
computer, or access to one,
(Under the Eye)-My brain is working,
(Under the Nose)-I do know what I
want, and what I don't want,
(Under the Mouth)-I want to feel
(CollarBone Point)-And I can feel
abundant, because I am,
(Under the Arm)-I am abundant in the
most important ways right now,
(Top of the Head)-I accept my
abundance with joy and gratitude.
-Take a deep breath.
Now, hopefully that helps, at least a
little. Feel free to do it again. Play with the words. Make it fun.
Tap and tap and tap your way to abundance and true allowing.
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